Genocide Chart: They Started With Gun Permits, Registration And Licensing

Posted on the 11 April 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) warned in a Facebook post on Thursday that a national gun registry would be similar to a database used by the ruling Hutu tribe in Rwanda in the 1990s to locate and slaughter members of an opposing tribe in a genocide that killed up to 1 million people. (Source- The Hill)
Liberals would like Americans to think Duncan's words are just a scare tactic, but in fact, he used only one of many examples where registration of guns and licensing were just the first step before historical examples of Genocide were perpetrated.
Wake up America has shown this before, but obviously it needs to be shown again since the Senate just voted on the motion to proceed for the S.649 gun control bill, which includes language about "record-keeping" of gun owners aka a registry.
Look at the chart below, pass it around and Never Forget. Eight out of the nine examples listed below, started with permits, registration and/or licensing, and resulted in genocide.

Chart via Jews For The Preservation Of Firearm Ownership: They call it "The Mother of All Stats" and  The Human Cost of "Gun Control" Ideas"