Generator Ohm - Upon the Me Om I

Posted on the 09 October 2012 by Ripplemusic

Generator Ohm takes everything I absolutely love about Rock and throws it into one fantastic album.  Musically, this is the equivalent of a rocket ship sent into overdrive, crashing into a distant planet, and exploding into a mass of unicorns.  I mean, that’s my scientific analysis anyway. 

To begin with, these boys aren’t trying to be radio friendly.  They’re heavy without using overly distorted guitars or screaming.  They have a beautiful energy and ability to create beautiful melodies intertwined with some minor chords and progressions that get extremely nasty. 

It can be a challenging listen.  It’s thinking man’s (or woman’s) rock. 

The track “They Can See Us” is an epic.  Intense drumming and rhythm lead to some beautiful chorus singing that really show off the direction this band wants to go. 

Every part of this band screams quality musicianship.  However, I have to give a special shout out to the bassist Willie Chen.  He’s as sick of a bassist as I have ever heard.  As a bassist myself, I tend to gravitate towards bands that don’t relegate the bass the back of the track.  Generator Ohm’s bassist goes super hard and funky.  Combine that with an incredible drummer, and you have an amazingly powerful rhythm section. 
The singing style is awesome.  It’s clean and emotional.  I can’t put my finger on it, but the vocals remind me of something… actually… it’s the Beatles.  They have great harmonies.  Don’t get me wrong, this band sounds nothing like The Beatles… but vocally, they have that same harmony ability. 

There are songs that remind me of Thrice, old Maroon Five, O’ Brother, but with a progressive rock edge.  It’s an amazing listen.  This is only my third review for the Ripple Effect, but I have to say, that this album has flown towards the top of my favorite albums of all time.  I can’t gush enough. This band is worth a listen, a purchase, a share… whatever you can do.  I’ll be doing my part. 

Generator Ohm is incredible, and they deserve to be heard. 