General Body Massage – What is Its Benefit and Effect, the Difference from Other Types of Massage

Posted on the 12 September 2022 by Top10

People have known about the miraculous properties of massage since ancient times. Under the action of the hands of a professional massage therapist, nerve endings are irritated, muscle tension is relieved: the level of oxygen increases, blood circulation improves. Massage is useful because it has a beneficial effect on the muscular, nervous, circulatory, digestive, endocrine systems.

What is the difference between a general body massage and other types

General massage is a mechanical effect on the body with special techniques. It differs in that the master uses different areas: from the head to the tips of the toes. The procedure has a healing, strengthening effect on the body. It is a prophylactic against various diseases. During the procedure, the functioning of the body systems improves. As a result, the muscles relax, the symptoms of fatigue are removed, the emotional state normalizes - "complete relaxation" occurs.

From the first session, the patient feels relaxed and spiritually comfortable. The therapeutic effect occurs after 10 procedures.

General massage includes massaging:

For the procedure to bring the desired effect, you need a professional master. A beauty salon should be proven and reliable.

Who needs to sign up for the procedure

General massage, like others, is performed in courses. To maximize the effect, it is recommended to spend at least 10 sessions.

The number of procedures and duration is determined by the master for each patient, taking into account the state of health. One session takes at least 1 hour, because the massage therapist must have an impact on several parts of the body. Depending on the desired effect, massage can be relaxing, therapeutic, classic.

The procedure will be useful for:
  • nervous strain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • muscle pain;
  • overwork;
  • stressful condition;
  • arthritis, sciatica;
  • pain in the back and spine;
  • mental stress;
  • frequent headaches;
  • overweight problems.

The procedure is useful for women: it improves the condition of the skin and normalizes the emotional state.

General massage is also needed for men in order to quickly restore lost strength, restore muscle elasticity and strengthen immunity.

Benefits of general body massage

Every day, under the influence of stress, excessive physical and mental stress, a person "earns" spasms and clamps. Negative emotions are reflected in the body; cause illness. Therefore, it is important to relax in time, remove the clamps in order to prevent negative consequences. Massage helps with this.

Skin Benefits

In order for the skin to remain beautiful, not only cosmetic care is necessary, but also a mechanical effect. General massage copes with this task. Various manipulations, including pinching, stroking, patting, have a beneficial effect on the skin. Mechanical effects improve blood flow, accelerate metabolic processes.

Thanks to the general massage, the skin becomes elastic, even, velvety. The procedure helps to reduce cellulite, the number of wrinkles.

How massage affects the state of the nervous system

The statistics are disappointing: every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is prone to disorders of the nervous system. More often than others, people who are engaged in mental and creative work suffer from neuroses.

For disorders of the nervous system, doctors often prescribe general massage as part of complex therapy. Among the symptoms of neurosis:

  • increased excitability;
  • growing anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent bouts of aggression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • pessimistic attitude towards life.

If at least one symptom is present, it is recommended to sign up for a course of procedures. The presence of two or more signs is a reason to see a doctor.

The effect of general massage on muscles and blood vessels

General massage has a beneficial effect on the muscular system. Due to the intense rhythm of life, the muscles are constantly in good shape. They need to be relaxed periodically. Massage restores elasticity and firmness to the muscles.

The procedure strengthens the muscular corset, which protects the spine from injury.

General massage is also useful for blood vessels: it improves blood circulation and lymph flow. During the procedure, capillaries and blood vessels expand, which ensures that more oxygen enters the body. Good blood circulation means less headaches, better digestion.

Who and when should refuse a general body massage

Massage is recommended in the morning. After eating, you should wait 1 hour, and then start the procedure.

If there are chronic diseases, mechanical effects on the body can aggravate them. Therefore, before signing up for a useful procedure, you should know in what situations you can't do it.

  • Oncology: massage is carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.
  • Osteomyelitis: The procedure can lead to fractures.
  • Presence of sexually transmitted diseases: Pathogens can get on the patient's skin. When the master massages, pathogens will be transmitted through the skin.

Moments at which a person should temporarily refuse massage:

  • SARS;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems with blood pressure;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • cough;
  • stomach upset.

The masseur should not exert a mechanical effect on certain areas of the skin if they are present:

General massage is undoubtedly beneficial for the body: it has a relaxing and healing effect, increases efficiency, improves mood, and improves emotional state. In the absence of contraindications, the procedure is useful for both adults and children.

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