I thought the chart above (from NBC News) was interesting. It shows the gender alignment in each of the two major political parties -- and how it has changed in the last 10 years.
In 2010, the Democratic Party was 58% women and 42% men -- a 16 point advantage for women. In 2020, it is 61% women and 39% men --a 22 point advantage for women.
In 2010, the Republican Party was evenly split between men (50%) and women (50%). But in 2020, the party has 54% men and 46% women -- an 8 point advantage for men.
I think this goes a long way in explaining why the policies of the two parties are so different.
NOTE -- There is also another re-alignment happening. Those with a college degree are moving toward the Democratic Party, while those without a college degree are moving toward the Republican Party.