Sri Lankan promising player Gehansa Methnadi and Louis Elliah Knese of Germany emerged girls and boys champions at the ATF under 14 week 2 junior Tennis championship played at SLTA courts yesterday.
Gehansa of Museaus College defeated Githmi Fernando who was the last week 1 champion 7/6,(4) and 6/4 at the girls final while Germanyouis Eliah defeated Rehan Gunawardena of Sri Lanka with two straight sets 6/4 , 6/4 to take the title .
Girls under 14 final
Gehansa Methnadi (Sri Lanka) beat Githmi fernando (Sri Lanka) 7/6(4) 6/4
Boys under 14 final
Louis Eliah Knese (Germany) beat Rehan Gunawardhane (Sri Lanka) 6/4 6/4 (D.R)
Monday, May 9, 2022 – 01:00