Gearing Up for NNM: Eating Right with Color

By Daylehayes
Even though March is still 10 days away, I have to start blogging about National Nutrition Month®. It's another cold, snowy, white day in Montana -- and I am desperate for some color on my plates and on the blog!
With many thanks to Sandra Frank at Wellness News for the fun graphic, here is the start to some delicious, colorful eating from Eat Right Montana (ERM). Check out the ERM website for an archive of Healthy Families newsletters and flavorful recipes like March's Veggie-Bean Wrap

March is National Nutrition Month®, celebrated every year by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) to focus on the importance of nutrition for health, happiness, and overall well-being. This year’s theme - Eat Right With Color - aligns with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans released on January 31, 2011.

Eat Right With Color is a fun, easy, and positive way to talk with kids about nutrition,” says Crystelle Fogle, MBA, MS, RD (Registered Dietitian), with Montana’s Cardiovascular Health Program. “We know that eating habits begin early in life, when parents and other adults can model smart food choices for children. Color is one helpful guide to eating a wide variety of nutrient-rich foods every day.”

In releasing the new Dietary Guidelines, nutrition experts noted that few American children get the variety of foods they need for optimal growth, development, and performance in school. Just like adults, many children are getting too many calories, but not enough nutrients. Americans are especially deficient in fiber, vitamin D, calcium, and potassium. According to the Dietary Guidelines report, the solution is not taking dietary supplements, but rather an increase in nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups.

“As a mom, I’m always looking for practical shopping and cooking tips,” adds Fogle. “ADA’s new website Kid's Eat Right has great information and recipes for Nutrition Month - and all year round!”

Up next ... more terrific ways to Eat Right with Color!