🔴GBPJPY Live – SCALPING ! 4/2/2022

Posted on the 04 February 2022 by Williamerikburton

︎Market updates, analysis, forecasts and trading ideas. All content is personal opinion for informational purposes ABSOLUTELY NOT investment advice as I am not a financial advisor
︎ Disclaimer
All decisions are yours, I am not responsible if an unfortunate loss occurs.
︎Risk warning:
We are talking about Futures Market, Anything can happen, Market is always like that. Don’t risk more than 1% of your account
︎I do not use social networks, all information is only on YouTube channel FOREX_TRADING IDEAS, Beware of impostors!
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How To Turn $500 Into $1000,000 Trading Forex With Very Low Risk?

Many people have this misconception that you need a lot of money to make money. This might be true in stock investing where you have to invest capital in stocks before you can realize capital gain.

Long Term Forex Trading Chart Pattern Can Make You Very Rich – If You Know How

In the Forex (Foreign Exchange) market, there are a number of strategies that can be used to consistently produce a profit. Some of these result from the massive study of trading patterns which often take years to accumulate. When a long term pattern shows up to a speculator waiting and looking for it, the results can be spectacular. This is because the trend may last for a very long time, and serious investors know how to pick a winning trade.

The Forex Macro Rip Off – Forex Trade Review

Every day, approximately three trillion dollars is traded on the foreign exchange market, a market where currencies are traded with one another in order to determine the relative value of currencies with one another across the world. With this kind of money being moved around every day, it is no surprise that there are more than four hundred techniques available online in order to help people trade on this market. Unfortunately, most of these techniques are not extraordinarily useful.

Forex Trading Systems Gaining Popularity at an Astounding Rate

Forex trading systems have totally reformed the Forex business and there is no doubt about this. Their utility has increased at a stunning pace and the market breach of the by-investors using them is only rising every day. There is a very simple reason for this. Individuals produce profits with them and every day, more and more individuals are joining in the trend enjoying the earnings they make.

Forex Trading Software Leading the Way to Productivity

There is no doubt about the reality that the Forex trading system software is the most useful and sophisticated tool ever created for the private investors in the Forex industry. It has made possible the competition of an underdog to be on a level footing with the huge brokerage businesses and international banks.

Forex Open Position

So now you pulled the trigger and opened up a position, and now you’re in the forex market. Time to sit back and let the market do its thing, right? No way. The forex market isn’t a role of the dice where you place your bet’s, and watch the dice tumble, and simply take the results.

Forex Trading Methods – An Easy to Learn Strategy For Big FX Gains in 30 Minutes a Day

If you are looking for a Forex trading method which is easy to understand, easy to apply and can make big profits in just 30 minutes a day. The strategy enclosed, will help you do just that and is suitable for both novice or professional traders – Let’s look at this Forex trading method in more detail.

Forex Advice – Education From a Group of Millionaire Traders You Can Use for Big Profits

If you want Forex trading advice which can get you on the road to trading success, you need to learn from the best traders and in this article, we will look at a group of traders who learned to trade in two weeks and went on to make millions in profit. How did they do it? Lets take a look at this group of traders in more detail and see what we can learn from them.

John Pipers Trade Maker Review

John Pipers Trade Maker is a service that offers a 30 Day Free Trial and then costs from GBP496 – GBP595 per year thereafter. There is a “100% Cast Iron Guarantee” where you can cancel at any point during the “30 day ‘no obligation’ trial” and “no money will ever leave your account”.

Forex Trading Indicators – Why the Trend is Not Always Your Friend

Are you trying to get to grips with forex trading, indicators and trends? The Foreign Exchange market can be a very profitable one for those who learn how to trade it correctly. The problem for most people is they underestimate just how much information there is to absorb in order to consistently make profit, and unfortunately they inevitably end up losing their money.

Can Your Computer Outperform Expert Forex Traders?

It is the era of computers and the dominance of this man-made machine can be observed in each and every sector of life. The Forex market has not been left out from the clutches of this device and computers are ruling this sector as well. Now the big question that is looming in our minds is that will computers ever replace the sharp insights and professional minds of expert Forex traders?

How Can China Move the USD?

A dollar collapse is a very scary situation which occurs when the value of the US dollar drops drastically and in such a despair situation, the dollar holding party’s panic and would sell them at any rate, regardless of the loss suffered by them. The major sellers in the particular circumstances mainly include the foreign government who has hold to a large amount of U.S Treasuries, individual investors and traders who trade in foreign currencies.