{GBF Fashion} On the Hunt

By Goodbadandfab @goodbadandfab
Whenever it starts raining in LA like it is right now, a sudden and profound urge to bundle up tickles my throat. But my closet caters to perpetual beach weather and I can't just wrap myself in a blanket and call it an outfit so I start hunting for cozy winter clothes. But it's a messy and costly process as I invariably end up placing way too many random and not so cozy items in way too much online shopping carts. A tiger bathing suit is not exactly winter wear, not matter how hard this lawyer tries to spin it. 

That's where The Hunt comes in. It's a social shopping website tailored to finding the most coveted items that users discover online. You start A Hunt by uploading a item and adding a few descriptive terms. The Hunt's community of style hunters will then help track down the item for you. Once the item (or something similar) is found, you get a notification with details about The Find. Super easy, super social, and super helpful. And it keeps me on my shopping track. The free iPhone app is officially launching today!

{GBF Fashion} On the Hunt

I used The Hunt to track down a few of my coveted wintry items from my pinterest page. I'd been admiring the pieces for months but assumed they would remain as conceptual inspiration instead of attainable aspiration. With the help of The Hunt, in less than twenty-four hours, links to the items have been found saving me from countless hours of online browsing and the high risk of buying a floral romper in the middle of winter. It's like having an army of fashionable private eyes on your side tracking down one covet at a time.

{GBF Fashion} On the Hunt
{live fabulously}