This is a post from a comment by former commenter, now banned, Trash. However it was so well-done that I thought it was worth a post of its own. For all of his considerable faults, Trash was definitely a good writer, one of the best writers I’ve ever had among my commenters.
Although the Cultural Left flips on this type of thing and screams homophobia and stereotyping and bigotry, I know quite a bit about gay men having spent so much time in LA and Hollywood. Hollywood is gay as Hell. It’s at least as gay as Frisco and maybe even more so.
At this point, I have been around enough gay men that I could almost write an encyclopedia about them, and sadly it would not all be complimentary. There is a serious downside to gay men and especially their severely problematic culture that is never discussed anymore due to fears of being called homophobic. Nevertheless, the arguments are for the most part true, and if you back to before 1970, you can see that many clinicians who wrote about male homosexuality could well have been writing down those observations today. Although male homosexuality is not a mental illness, it almost acts like one. I think a better way to see it is to see male homosexuality as a “syndrome” since it’s not fair to call it a mental illness considering how many gay men are psychologically healthy, even robustly so.
Although the following will be condemned as homophobic, stereotypical and the work of a bigot, bottom line is just about everything Trash wrote below is 100% true about gay men.
Trash: Gay men also seem to adopt behaviors or mannerisms you would see in older women as a result of emulating aunts or grandmothers instead of uncles or other male family members.
They can be quite shrill.
Clothes will be important them, and even if they are not attractive they will be overly concerned about their personal appearance. They make wonderful interior decorators because this is also important. They will become hairdressers more often than straight males, or work in restaurants as they have grown up in kitchens as opposed to underneath a car or building a house.
They show little facility with tools or manual labor. They lack coordination, though of course some like Bruce Jenner defy this general rule. They do not like the outdoors, camping or home improvement because from an early age they gravitated towards the female head of the household.
Although gays work out in gyms constantly, they will generally not be employed in manual work involving physical exertion.
Generally they are more right-sided than left-sided thinkers. They can talk forever about humanities or the arts but do not excel in chemistry, physics or math (There will be 1,000 exceptions out of a billion in the world).