We were definitely fans of Gauntlet Hair’s debut record, with its thunderclap beats and reverb-laden vocals — it was the very definition of the noisy ruckus that gets us going here at The Wild Honey Pie. After two years of waiting for more, we finally have a new track from the erstwhile Denver band, and it’s absolutely amazing. There’s still some of the shimmering guitar and clapping drums that characterized their debut, but “Human Nature” is way, way darker. Andy R.’s vocals, which were almost always completely obscured by reverb on the last record, are stark, clear and absolutely captivating. “Human Nature” is a gloomy, broody track and somehow made me fall in love with Gauntlet Hair all over again. No, seriously, give me a call — I’ve been waiting since 2008. Check out the track above, and get ready for a renewed band crush.