Gary Calamar Will Speak in Australia at APRA|AMCOS’s Song Summit

Posted on the 06 December 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Gary Calamar, music supervisor behind True Blood, will speak in Australia as part of APRA|AMCOS’s Song Summit industry conference.

The first announcement for the conference was made today during Dave Stewart’s ‘In Conversation’ Q&A in Sydney, bringing a first round of speakers and the news that the event, in its thrid year, will happen as part of Destination NSW’s Vivid Sydney.

The Summit will be held at the Sydney Convention Centre Saturday 26 to Monday 28 May, 2012.

With a range of international speakers, including publishers, artists and producers, Calamar might be the most valuable in this age where television synching is becoming one of the most lucrative avenues for artists. Calamar’s work on True Blood, Dexter and Six Feet Under has earned five Grammy nominations. Gary also has recently received a Grammy nod for the latest True Blood Volume 3 soundtrack.

Also, we just found the video below from an appearance that Gary made on the show, The Weekly Comet last June. The interview with Gary is very interesting because he goes into the process for deciding which songs are to be included in True Blood and how some have inspired his own re-do of songs such as Season 4.01′s “She’s Not There.

Gary’s interview starts at about 6:00 minutes into the video and ends about 15:30 minutes.

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