Garrett Indiana - The Go Cart Shooter

Posted on the 15 April 2011 by Mikeb302000
Father: "He shot him in self defense":

The neighbor said she thought it would be safer in a small town like Garrett.  The fact is, there is no safe place in Indiana. Some of the lawful gun owners are unfit to own guns. Like I was telling Robert Farago yesterday when we were discussing whether gun control folks fear lawful gun owners or not, I believe we do. The reason for this is that the gun owners who are unfit and irresponsible and raging maniacs and withdrawing from their prescription meds or whose wives are cheating on them, all look just like the rest of them. We can't tell them apart.
To make matters worse, gun rights extremists oppose any and all restrictions which might screen out some of these undesireables. That's the most baffling part. If they would only police their own or allow the government to do it, they'd be better off, they'd be the first ones to benefit.
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