Gardening with a 3 Year Old | National Gardening Week 30th April – 6th May 2018

By Newmummyblog @newmummyblog

We love gardening, being outside and just plain exploring the world we live in. That might sound a bit like in some crazy parent on a mission, always trying to teach, always trying to encourage H to learn. I suppose I am in a sense, but mostly, she is. If she’s not asking why why why? If she’s not constantly asking how to do something or how to draw something, she’s in her own world of imaginative play. She’s just become interested in bugs, and even picking up snails – shock horror, this is a girl who says before ran screaming at anything that remotely might be able to move. We did a lot of gardening and planting last week in the gorgeous sunny weather. It was bliss and to be honest we all felt so much better, so much happier. The fresh air did wonders for us but also our plants! We have tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers and gerkin cucumbers growing and now have lettuces and carrots also growing on the window sill. Being three, H is constantly curious, which is brilliant as we watch the plants grow and change. Seeds below the surface, poke up, grow leaves, grow more […]