Gardening Tips: How to Divide Irises

By Gfl

Irises are highly attractive plants. Given the right attention, they tend to blossom and display a vast variety of colors that will make you appreciate nature all the more. But adequate care is needed from the onset to ensure they develop roots and grow well after separating the rhizomes. If you discover that the iris rhizomes seem crowded or that the iris patch has a significant number of dead spots, it’s time to divide the iris patch. We have made it easy for gardeners to perform these tasks. Follow these tips from My Homework Done on how to divide irises.

1. Lift the clump of your iris plant

Your first task is to lift the iris plant. Start by digging the clumps of the plant out of the ground. You will need a spade or garden fork for this task. But whichever tool you end up using, try not to cause any damage to the rhizomes.

You may also attempt lifting the whole mass out if you don’t feel like using a fork or spade. But if you can’t, then use a fork or shovel to break the clumps of the iris into smaller units and lift them out one after the other.  This task can be as simple as the pay someone to do my homework kind of phrase university students uses on a regular basis, as finding such help makes student life more relaxed.

2. Dividing the rhizomes

The next step is to separate the rhizomes of the iris carefully. You may decide to carefully tear them apart with your bare hands or use a disinfected knife. Place the blade into a bowl of water containing about 15 percent of bleach before using it to separate the baby rhizomes from the parents. Dip the knife into the solution for every incision you make on the plant.

Ensure the rhizomes are in good shape. That is one of the things that will guarantee you that the plant will perform well. A good rhizome will have the following characteristics:

  • Healthy-looking roots
  • Thick as the size of the thumb
  • Have at least one or two leaves

3. Brushing off dirt from the rhizomes

Wash or brush off the dust from the rhizome, so that you will not make mistakes whenever you are tearing the clumps of the iris apart. Washing off dirt or soil from the rhizomes will also give you the privilege to check for worms (iris borer) that can destroy your iris. And if you discover a rhizome is harboring the borer, kill it and check if there are others in the iris plant. Understand that it would be disastrous to plant a rhizome that is already rotting. On the other hand, you can put your rhizomes (the fresh and disease free ones) in a bleach solution to help prevent infection. This technique is what many gardeners are using.


  • Inspect your rhizomes thoroughly for worms (iris borer)
  • Destroy rhizomes that smell bad or already rotting
  • Ensure the rhizome isn’t hollow or too light. Whenever you discover rhizomes too lightweight or have many holes, then discard them.
  • Discard any rhizome that looks dead.

4. Taking care of the leaf blades

Your new plant needs to be prepared to handle stress. It will no longer focus on maintaining its long leaves but forming new roots that will serve as anchor among other things. To achieve this, cut the leaf blades to about 4 inches long. This action will enable the plant to concentrate more on developing more roots and surviving under the stressful condition.

5. Replant

It is not advisable to damage or cut off the roots of the rhizomes. And ensure the soil is ready for planting at this stage. Plant your rhizome above the ground, as planting it too deep will make it more difficult for the iris to flower.

Ensure they are between 12 – 18 inches apart with each of the leaves facing the same direction. Also, when spacing your plant, place the dwarf varieties closer and the larger ones farther apart. Remember also to point the rhizomes away from each other whenever you are planting.

6. Water your plant

The planting location is vital for the survival of the iris rhizomes. An excellent site is one that receives a significant amount of the sun’s energy. It should also be well draining too. Spacing is also vital. So remember to space your iris plant properly at the initial stage.

Regarding water, make sure you water the newly planted iris rhizomes correctly. Ensure they receive enough water at the initial stage, but the soil should not appear flooded. When you water your plants well at the time of planting, they will have a high tendency of performing well. But you don’t have to continue watering unless you discover that the weather is dry, the same way it makes no sense hiring a custom dissertation writing service when you are yet to get into school.


Irises are awesome plants. Given the right attention, these plants can perform well and beautify the environment you plant them in. Dividing irises can also be an easy task when you employ the right approach. The replanting processes will not only be successful, but the plants will also grow and blossom when the time comes. However, the above gardening tips are given to help divide your irises successful.


This article contains gardening tips on how to divide irises. Learn the right approach and steps to take to achieve success.