Gardening Tips And Guide For A Beautiful Garden With Lazada

By Ashik Gosaliya

Did you know when you wake up in the morning and the first thing that you see around you is greenery, then it makes your eyes feel so soothing! And not only this but you get a positive vibe from them too!

Gardening is one such love that you might find solace in. Today, people have become so busy in their hectic schedule of life that there are times we forget about things that we love to do for ourselves. And that one thing is especially gardening!

However, there are many facts and tips that we are unaware of and are not able to take much care of them. But then keeping in mind the hush and puffs in your life I would get to you 5 facts and tips about your gardening activity that will make your garden grow healthy and beautiful in a very less time and effort.

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Below are the five tips and guide that you can follow:

Add a little baking soda to your plant This particular trick might sound to you really silly but trust me it does wonders to your tomatoes! Initially I too thought that it might spoil my plant but surprise surprise! It did an amazing job and worked as a natural fertilizer. By doing so this tomatoes did taste sweet than tart.

Make your orchid smell like your favorite dessert Did you know that the vanilla bean comes from an orchid varietal? Just like you’d combine Jelly Belly beans to create new flavors, you can combine orchids to create a garden that smells like a dessert buffet.

Butterflies not always are attracted to your flowers Colorful blooms aren’t the chief reason these insects love your garden it’s more about the fragrance and nectar.

Grow blemish free roses When you are planting roses keep in mind that pruning is important to keep the center of the plant open so that the sunshine could penetrate in. This would make your rose plant free form the black spot!

Clean your clay pots To remove the salt deposits that form on clay pots, combine equal parts white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture to the pot and scrub with a plastic brush. Let the pot dry before you plant anything in it.

Surprise tip The next time you boil or steam vegetables, don’t pour the water down the drain, use it to water potted patio plants, and you’ll be amazed at how the plants respond to the “vegetable soup.”

Hope you liked these tips and guide. Do let me know about the results when you try them out! As I always say I am open to your suggestions and advices so don’t forget to comment, like and share!

Until next time, Happy Gardening!