Garden Update

By Melissak

Its been rainy here and the garden is loving it.  Like the garden I’m also loving it, is there anything better than a good excuse to cuddle up on the couch and watch movies?, but I didn’t just sit around the whole weekend, I also discovered my catnip…..I completely understand cats now.  What is my catnip you ask? Chocolate Mint!  I don’t know why no one has never told me about this wonderful little herb, but now that I have it I want fields! I want to roll in it and just live in a house surrounded by this little green gem. Okay, okay, this rant is over and on with the garden photos!

^^ We’ve been collecting rocks on every hike we’ve gone on lately and they’ve finally made their way into the garden for a pretty border for some freshly planted herbs.

^^ Rocks up close.

^^ The hanging garden is looking prettier by the day.

^^The flowers in the front of the house.

^^The veggie garden just keeps expanding.

^^ you can’t see them yet, but soon this will be baby spinach and  chard.

^^ Mustard spinach growing up.

^^ yarrow.

^^ Tomato flowers.

^^ Baby Marrow leaves.

^^ Runner beans, starting to run up the wall.

^^ Chocolate Mint.  Have you ever seen anything so beautiful.

^^ Sunday fire.

^^ I harvested all the lettuce and planted butter lettuce and cos lettuce.

^^ Even the washing line wants to be pretty.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.