Garden Progress? Slowly but Surely…

By Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

When I initially started planning this blog post I was a little (okay, a lot) concerned about the way my seeds were stored over the winter. I wasn’t particularly careful about my seed storage and didn’t give it much thought so I was hoping my seeds would still be good. I was dreading the idea of having to buy new seeds and starting over, however inexpensive it actually is to do so. For me it’s just the work involved in starting over… I was worried that it may end up being  a new lesson already learned this season.

My romaine lettuce showed up a little over a week ago, and I have a bunch of little seedlings in my big green pot Jay got me for Christmas.

Nothing else had made an appearance yet as of two weekends ago, and that was when my seed concerns started to be raised. I have been checking every day in anticipation of some new sprouting, keeping things nice and moist and fertilizing with the good ol’ Miracle Gro. However, as of this Wednesday evening past some of my concerns have been set aside. As of then, I also have onions and basil sprouted. Happy me! AND as of Thursday, Sage made its appearance.

Green Onion

Lemon Basil


Now if only my chives, parsley and oregano would follow suit…and soon!

Plans are still in place to plant my buttercrunch lettuce and to purchase and plant my tomato seedling in the next few weeks or so – before the end of the month for sure! I hope that by then everything else will be established and growing well. The weather has been gorgeous lately and as long as it continues I am sure all will be well with the balcony garden.

And believe me, when the rest of the herbs start to contribute to the balcony greenery, there will be a very happy post coming indeed.


I would also like to take this opportunity to do a little birthday shout out for my sister. She turns 25 today. Happy birthday, Lex!

My sister and I – Apr 2012