Garden Posies and Cruet Sets

By Angela @daisyangel1
Garden Posies and Cruet Sets maybe something of a bizarre title but it all came about during Fathers Day. I had invited many of my family to enjoy a Fathers Day meal at home and the dinning area of the house resembled a bistro, I kid you not. As it was an occasion I thought I would make a little extra effort and decorate the tables. 

Aquilegia & Mock Orange Posy with Piggy Cruet Set

A visit into the garden with my snipper's and I came back with a selection of odd flowers. Days of rain had left many of the flowers is a sad and soggy state so I did have a limited choice. But with a little creativity and some sweet little vases I created three simple fresh flower table decorations. I also realised that I must have a thing for cruet sets. Ignore the two sets of standard pots of salt and pepper I have for every day use, I also have a further 3 sets! A set of birds, a set of pigs and a silver set, although the silver set is mainly used when I host an afternoon tea. 

Sweet Pea & Canterbury Bell Posy and Bird Cruet Set

I think they add a little fun and humor to a table setting, particularly if you are entertaining visitors, its something a little different and often a talking point.How do you make your table setting stand out?