Garden of the Week – Tree Church, New Zealand

By Gfl

A New Zealand man has created a full-sized church made purely from from trees that looks like something from a story book.

Although it looks like it took years to grow and cultivate, the Tree Church was completed in the relatively short space of just 4 years. Combining his love of horticulture with his love of religious architecture and utilising his professional knowledge of transplanting large trees, Barry Cox designed and built the church in Ohaupo, not far from Hamilton in New Zealand.

It started as a personal project simply for his own enjoyment, but after constant encouragement from friends, family and fellow gardeners Barry decided to open the church to the public earlier this year. The Tree Church can now be booked for weddings and other events.

Different plants have been used to create color contrast, define shapes and allow in different amounts of light. Hiding underneath is a temporary iron frame to provide the basic shape of the building.

Tree Church is set within an impressive 3 acre garden facility. You can find out more at,