Garden Haikus

By Gardenamateur

Though I rarely these days open a book of poems, I do enjoy reading poetry when I come across it by chance. Recently, an excellent local Sydney food blogger, Padaek, ( has been posting a poem a day, in the form of haiku, and I am inspired to do a couple of my own, thanks to Padaek.

You probably already know what a haiku is. It's from the Japanese literary tradition, and while it may take one of several forms, the most common is this:

3 lines long, 17 syllables in total, first line 5 syllables, second line 7, third line 5.
Or, in haiku style
humble three lines longjust seventeen syllables
sweet short poetry

And so, folks, my first attempt at garden haikus, decorated with photos.

morning dew dropletstwinkling brightly like diamondsgarden jewellery

flowers turn to seedpods open under sunshinerain adds green magic

who invented worms?congratulations all round
excellent idea!