***Sharing with Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
For GBBD I have a round up of what is in bloom in the Sun Garden. The later the season, the better the garden is looking. Three red Chrysanthemum have just recently begun to bloom. I am happy with the colour; remember this is the first time I am seeing these plants bloom in my new gardens.
The Thunbergia vine in the background is one of the few annuals in my gardens and a great choice for While the Clematis stopped blooming a while ago the Thunbergia is still going strong.
The Blanketflowers were a great choice and the Helenium behind them are not too shabby either.
The Rudbeckia from Loblaws are settling well and looking as healthy as ever.
This little "Secret Desire" Echinacea is the only of the four I planted last fall that has had a bloom this year, mostly due to being nibbled by rabbits all spring, before becoming surrounded and hidden by the Nasturtium border.
***Sharing with Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
***Sharing with Garden Bloggers Bloom Day