Garden Bloggers Bloom Day ~ May, 2014

By Kate_miller
Alyssum Basket of Gold
Missed it. Again. Bloom Day, that is. Held every month on the 15th. But, I'm only off by a day so... Let's take a walk through my chilly garden.
Happy Daffs & Bleeding Hearts
I'm surprised. And, also impressed. The way these flowers roll with the punches.
We've had a tough spring. Cold, wet, misery.
For example, 3 days ago a hard freeze in the 20's. Today, the forecast is for 80 degrees. A crazy yin yang between winter and summer. Yet, they keep on flowering. Gotta love it.
Meadow Phlox
Buckets of Baby Hyacinth
A lawn in desperate need of mowing + two pretty doves.
Golden Currant ~ the first of the flowering shrubs to start blooming.
Flowering Almonds - isn't she a stunner? 
And, these loud and proud heirloom Tulips!
Happy Bloom Day, Everyone! Scoot on over to Carol's place to visit more participants in this monthly meme.

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