Say it isn't so! 8/16 already?? I'm worn out with the heat but not weary with this season.
I wish summer could last forever. I wish these flowers could, too.
A cavalcade of color fills the big rock garden ~ moppy head Bee Balm and Helianthus...
Hollyhocks and Purple Rain...
Phlox, phlox and more phlox. Can't resist. Must add a new one every year.
Wild 4 o'clocks and Strawflowers adorn a particularly awful section of the street garden. Both seem to enjoy massive amounts of neglect.
Clematis climbing vines add bright color to this ratty porch. (Don't get any big ideas about relaxing in that chair. Hummingbirds will surely dive-bomb you.)
Though, I'll bet you garden gurus can tell it's not a flowering tree at all.
Clematis Jackmanii flowering vines do a fine job of fooling people, climbing 20 feet into the branches of this young crabapple.
From her website, you can connect with all kinds of flower lovin' friends...