Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – April 2014

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Tulip Princess Irene

I notice that I didn’t bother with a GBBD post in April last year and I think that reflects the lateness of the season; how different this year has been. The garden is already colouring up

Tulip Ballerina

and the tulips are quickly taking over from the narcissus.  Tulip Princess Irene is one of my favorite tulips and this year I have it in large pots on the patio.  I love the purple markings on the petals. Another favourite, which interestingly is also orange, is Tulip Ballerina which I am establishing in the front garden. I discovered today when I was weeding around the plants how strong a scent they have.   I have also rediscovered Tulip Jan Reus and its rich velvety maroon flowers.  These plants were originally on the slope but were relocated last year partly by the badger but also by the rearrangement of the slope for the workshop.  I think I might add some more of these next year and risk the ravages of the badger if we have a cold winter.

Tulip Jan Reus

I obviously like the brighter colours as you can see from this orangey red primula.  I am pretty sure I grew this from seed a few years back but I can’t remember what variety it is.

White Bluebells

The bluebells haven’t quite opened yet but the whitebells are looking lovely as ever.  The clump never seems to grow and I wonder if the white variety is weaker than the standard blue.

Anemone nemorsa ‘Vestral’

I seem to be developing yet another weakness, this time for Anemones.  The trouble is I see them at clubs and shows and forget I already have a number waiting to appear in the garden.  The one above is Anemone nemorsa ‘Vestral’ which was an early acquisition and is clumping up nicely.

Anemone x lipsiensis ‘Pallida’

I also rather keen on the pale buttery yellow of the Anemone x lipsiensis ‘Pallida’ which I am pleased to say is also clumping up.

Variegated white honesty

I am in two minds about the variegated white honesty.  The variegation on the leaves is wonderful and almost white in places but the flower spikes aren’t working that well.  These are grown from seed collected a few years ago and I don’t remember them looking like this which is interesting.

Dicentra Valentine

I am also taken with the Dicentra Valentine I bought last year at Malvern.  The strength of color is quite breathtaking – well I think so.

Brunnera Jack Frost

I might like the strong colours but I also like the more subtle and dainty flowers such as the Brunnera Jack Frost.  I think we need them to act as counterpoint to the brasher flowers and at the end of the day some times the most beautiful thing is the smallest and most inconspicuous such as the every day viola which self-seeds all around my garden.

For more garden blogger bloom day posts visit Carol over at May Dream Gardens.