Garden Blogger's Bloom Day May 2014

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

It's the middle of the month and time once again for Bloom Day! Here's some of the plants currently in bloom in our garden...

Euphorbia deflexa has been giving us an explosion of yellow blooms for quite some time now

This one has just started - Celmisia spectabilis

Dainty sprays of pink - Thalictrum sp.

Now this one is a little bit annoying. It's supposed to get taller and taller first but it barely gained height from last spring and at only 2' tall it is flowering (in itself very unusual for such a small Cordyline australis)

Towering Disporum longistylum

Lone flower from our Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha (what a long name, phew!!)

Good old Lilac - Syringa vulgaris

Relatively big leaves with dainty yellow flowers - Saruma henryi

Like little yellow spaceships - Epimedium sp.

And of course our Kniphofia northiae still doing its triple thing

We join Bloom Day and is hosted by May Dream Gardens where all the links to bloooming posts are to be found.
Mark :-)