When I was looking around at fireplaces I came across the Gardeco Amadeo Bio-ethanol Stainless Steel Fireplace from Hayes Garden World. After seeing it once, I knew it was the perfect item to have in my home. It would not only fit perfectly in my home in the winter to keep us warm and snug but it would also be a brilliant feature in the summer for the garden when entertaining friends.
I was sent a fireplace to review and I was extremely happy with it. When the fireplace arrived, I immediately set it up. I read the instructions of how to use it and I found the instructions to be clear. There were a lot of safety tips involved which I carefully took on board.
The Gardeco Amadeo Bio-ethanol Stainless Steel Fireplace was simple to put together. The Amadeo comes complete with stainless steel double walled burner and removable stainless steel flame snuffer. It comes with two panes of safety glass which are 6mm thick, the glass has rounded edges and looks attractive. It also comes with 500ml of Bio-ethanol so that you are able to use your fireplace straight away.
Once I had set the fireplace up I was ready to add the Bio-ethanol fuel. I added just under 250ml of it and used a long nosed lighter to set the fuel alight. The fuel lit slowly and it was a nice process to watch. At first I as a little scared of setting the fuel alight however I found it easy to set the fuel alight thanks to the fixed opening of the fireplace.
It took around 7-10 minutes for the fuel to ignite properly and once it had ignited I was left with a beautiful dancing flame which brightened up my lounge. I thought the fireplace looked stunning and very eye catching. The fuel burnt for around 1 hour and in this time, the flame did not get out of hand and come away from the fireplace. The flame stayed safely in the walls of the safety glass and I was not alarmed that the flames would create a fire in my home at any point.
After I had let the fireplace cool down I added more Bio-ethanol fuel to the fireplace and took it outside. I did not let the fire burn for long and decided to stop the fuel from burning with the stainless steel flame snuffer. The fire went out easily and I was impressed with how the fire itself handled itself outside.
The Gardeco Amadeo Bio-ethanol Stainless Steel Fireplace is a eye catching item. It has many wonderful features but the feature that I love most is the fact that it can be used inside and outside. The fireplace can be purchased for just £79.99 from Hayes Garden World and I think it is great value for money.