Garage Makeovers: Get the Best Return on Your Renovation Bucks

By Mountain Publishing @mountainpublish

There is no doubt that your home's interiors take all the attention and fanfare when it comes to remodeling or renovations. However, there is also no doubt that the part of the home that makes the first impression is the Exterior of your home.

One area of your outdoor home that is almost always forgotten is the garage. Garages are considered as the step-child of the home improvement world. If there was any thought put into remodeling the garage, it mostly focused on getting the new door. However, now this trend has changed and people are focusing more on the garage remodels like flooring, paint, or storage options. Garage remodel is the upcoming trend of the home improvement industry with a strong impact on the overall value of your home.

1. What the Experts Say

We talked with a number of realtors, real state agents, and renovation experts across the country and get their takes on the garage makeovers and its impact on the home value, and they all agreed on the benefits of garage remodeling. Home buyers are turning up their noses against the homes that don't have a functional garage. So, choosing a garage makeover as your next home improvement project is a wise decision which will not only make your home more beautiful and elegant and it will yield good returns on your investment in the future.

2. Build Your Garage

If you don't have a garage, you can put a stand-alone garage up in a couple of weekends. Yes, it is not that much-complicated task at all. Now, you can have a pre-cut garage or a pre-assembled closer-to-finish garage from the market. There are written instructions and guideline videos for each step of the construction. If you have time and skills, it is an amazing DIY project to take on. However, you can take the services of your local garage contractors to avoid any mishaps and to have a professional finish.

3. Insulate Your Garage

Even if you leave the reselling aspect on a side, an insulated garage has a lot of benefits. People do a lot of DIY projects in their garages and an insulated garage allows you to work on your project irrespective of the weather outside. Garage insulation is also a very economical and DIY friendly update. You will need simple tools like a utility knife, blades, straight edges, and a step ladder. A properly insulated garage will cut your energy expenses and it will be definitely a great selling point in the future.

4. Custom Garage Cabinets

Keeping your garage organized and clutter-free is the key. There are many options like hooks, open shelves, and bins that can reduce the clutter, but neither provide the sleekness and style of custom cabinets. This cabinet system is a bit expensive than the other options. However, the durability, sleekness, functionality, and style of the cabinets worth the investment you made.

5. Flooring

When you are planning to add style and color to your garage, the best place is to start with the floor. Concrete is the standard flooring option for garages. However, with a little effort, they can be turned into an attractive and even comfortable feature. You can use paint or epoxy or specifically manufactured tiles for your garage floor. These tiles are very durable and have a great visual impact on the overall look of your garage.

6. A Beautiful Garage Door

Garage door accounts for up to 30 percent of the exterior of the home. That's why the color, style, and design of the door will have a great influence on the overall appearance and curb appeal of the entire home. A beautiful garage door not only improves the looks of your home rather it has the most return on investment ratio than any other home improvement project. So, when you plan for garage remodeling keep the garage door on the top of the list.

7. More Lighting Fixtures

People tend to neglect the lighting in their remodeling projects. However, a small investment in lighting can have a dramatic effect on the overall style of your garage. Secondly, people use their garages as a work station for different DIY projects and proper lighting will be the key. One of the most elegant and economical options are LED lighting. They cast very natural light and are highly energy-efficient and will bring down your energy bills.

8. Create A Loft in Your Garage

A simple and great remodel idea is to create a loft in your garage. You will be able to park your car and still have plenty of space to work with. A lofted garage gives a variety of options. You can transform the lofted space into an extra bedroom, office, or living space. Furnish the area and you can enjoy your free time with your friends. It is another great DIY project and sky is the limit when you loft your garage.

9. Don't Go Overboard

Today's housing market is pricier and more competitive than ever. People are focusing more on remodeling rather than to move. There are endless options for upgrades, but some offer better paybacks than the others. If you spend a lot of money on renovations with the idea of selling in your mind, it is possible that you might price yourself out. The concept that expensive renovations will bring the best return on reselling has long gone. The whole scenario has changed and now you have to be very cautious when you plan you spend money on a home improvement project.

The garage is definitely a very important part of your home and investing in its renovation will be a great step both in terms of aesthetics and improving the overall value of your home. All you need is to choose the best design, a beautiful door, good lighting, and modern storage solutions and you will have a perfect garage to use and impress the potential buyers.