Gangs Raking in Thousands from the Rising Tide of Poaching

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Gangs raking in thousands from the rising tide of poaching“Report reveals the extent of poaching and poisoning and calls for tougher sanctions, writes Tracy McVeigh.”

“A new report claims the scale of the problem is being hidden and that gangs are making large sums of money from illegal activities such as hare-coursing, raking in up to £10,000 a month in one case, while poaching of fish and deer is common and as likely to happen in urban parks as in the countryside.”


GR:  Killing and capturing wild animals has a direct effect on a few species.  Roads, houses, and pollution have indirect effects on all species.  The first is intentional, the second is accidental.  Which do you think is the most harmful?