* Gangnam Style: Baby Edition

By Keepingupwithsonnek @aJOschlomka
you've heard the song... 
you either LOVE IT!
or you HATE IT...

we LOVE IT! and you know who else loves it!?  AVRIE!
This has been her jam since we first viewed the skit on SNL... we then had to know what the heck this weird song was all about! We [aaron, freid & myself] then spent more time then we want to discuss figuring out the dance. Let's just say Avrie picked up on it...
She has been doing the dance for a long time now [mid-oct she first started it]- its hard to describe just how much she loves this song. The only way for me to TRY is to SHOW you. This is a video that my sister got of Avrie back on Dec 7th. The same night she was SICK and SAD and feeling down right BAD- she had a mild fever, won't eat dinner, barely decorated her gingerbread house & even gave a nice big Yaawwnnnnn..... that is UNTIL Gangnam Style [her jam] started playing on daddy's phone....
#wejustLOVEthisgirl! #shesgotmoves #lipsyncingbaby
as long as we're at it, this video is HILARIOUS another baby that LOVES this song!
what they heck is it about this song!?
Did you love the Super Bowl (two words, thank you K) Psy commercial?

ok thats all for today, happy Friday Eve to all you sexxxxy laaadies!!