Game/PUA: How to Get Barely Legal Women At Age 60

Posted on the 27 September 2018 by Calvinthedog

Tulio: Robert, how the hell are you still banging 19 year olds at age 60? How are you meeting these girls? I couldn’t even bang 19 year olds when I was 19.

Rahul: Yeah Robert, how do you? I can’t seem to properly talk to girls my age, let alone ask them to date me.

I met her on Tinder. Yep you can meet women on Tinder, imagine that. But I have been on there for a while, and mostly it is totally dead for me.

I still date women my age, remember, as in 59 year old women. And I also date women in their late 20’s and early 30’s. Several years ago, I was dating some women around age 50, and that was a great age. I would date women in their 40’s if I had a chance but they have not been around lately. 40’s is a great age for a woman. 30’s are great too. They are far more mature than a woman in her 20’s once they are in their 30’s, and generally they are calmed down and relaxed about sex. Women in their 40’s are even more calmed down and relaxed about sex with the added benefit that they simply don’t care anymore.

I don’t have any particular thing for very young women. They are fun but there are drawbacks to every age of woman and older women are better than younger ones in a lot of ways.


I have supposedly been very goodlooking my whole life. I think my looks are shot, but older women say I look good, and even some young women do, so maybe I still have some looks. I may be in the Top 20% in my age bracket. So maybe it is still down to my lucking out into fortunate good looks like a lot of it was previously. Blackpill is a great philosophy and it is said how true it is.

Goodlooking men and homely men literally live in two different worlds, and I think goodlooking men and average looking men also live in very different worlds. The things that work for goodlooking men might not work at all for men or average or lower attractiveness.

You literally have to figure out where you are on the 1-10 scale and then carefully craft your Game to your looks number. If you are a 5, run 5 Game. If you are a 3, run 3 Game.

8-10 Chads will usually do very well and some 7 Chadlites can do very well too. 6’s are sometimes called high tier Normies and some can do very well. But even 7’s and certainly 6’s will have to modify their Game, and they will often not be able to run the same Game that Chad runs.

Shi said that he knew some men who were  4’s and 5’s and maybe even 3’s who did fantastic with women, but I am not aware of a lot of that.

The Rest: Power, Money, Status, and Fame

All of these tend to run together except Money, and Money still often runs with some of the others. Money and Fame almost automatically give you Status, but you can have Status with little Money and no Fame. Status and Power tend to go together but not always. Mostly Status simply creates its own Fake Power if you run the proper Game. Fame tends to give you Status automatically.

I have some achievements somehow in my failed life. I am a published author and am published in a book. I publish in academic journals. I have a Master’s. I just got interviewed by Al Jazeera. I had several offers to be on TV. I get interviewed on the radio regularly. I have started my own political movement. So all that adds to the gravitas. I am slightly famous, internet famous.

Lately I am hearing for the first time in my life, “You are the man I have been looking for all my life.” That may be the Fame effect, but boy, it sure feels nice to hear that!


I guess the most important of all is Game. My Game is out of this world. I have been perfecting it for 40 years, and it just keeps getting better and better. I know how to talk sexy, walk sexy, move sexy, sit sexy, stand sexy, hold my coffee cup sexy, etc.

I know how to act around women, such that there is any way to act around them at all. I know how to talk to women, such as there is any way to talk to them at all. I literally seduce them with words and behavior.

I also more or less hypnotize women, and I actually cast magic spells on them, as I fashion myself as a bit of a warlock. What’s weird is I regularly get told by women that I have cast a spell on them, or they ask me if I am a warlock, or they ask, “What have you done to me?” or say I have them under my spell, etc. One 18 year old girl recently said, “Take it off! Take off the spell! Please! I don’t like it.” I laughed and her and said I wouldn’t take it off.

I have no idea if this stuff works or if it operates on some known psychological mechanism.

I think I do well mostly due to Game because I more or less snare them even on the Internet where they have never seen my face and have no idea what I look like. There’s places you can go on the Net to talk dirty to women, etc. Theoretically you can meet women on there, but the problem is they are all over the world – Spain, Netherlands, UK, or more commonly Australia, New Zealand and especially Canada. Mostly you meet women in the US, but they are located all over and most tend to be in the South or on the East Coast. I have met two so far in California but both were 300-500 miles away from me.

I go to those places a lot mostly for an ego boost or to practice my Game, and they send me pics a lot. I get nudes all the time. I got seven nudes from two 18 year old girls in the past two weeks.

A lot of times when I am in these Net places,  I just start talking to them, and very quickly, they say, “I already want you! You’ve hooked me so bad! I want you right now!” I have no idea what I am doing to get them to react that way, but I do know how to talk to women.

One thing I do not do is escalate too fast. I blow it all the time by escalating too fast to this very day, but a lot of the time I can control myself.

You escalate very slowly using the fishing technique. Like the woman is a fish and you are a fishermen. You toss the “lure” to her, which is a slight escalation or flirt, and then you judge her reaction. If you shoots you down, not good. If she likes it, see how much she likes it.

Depending on her reaction, you proceed. You have to watch her reactions very carefully and try to figure what is the best way to proceed after that.  You keep doing that, slowly escalating maybe, or backing off maybe, or just maintaining it at a steady level.

Usually she will start escalating too, and then you take very careful note of that and proceed accordingly. I am extremely cautious almost to the point of paranoia, and by now I have this down to a science.

They could literally offer AA’s, Bachelors, Masters and even PhD’s in Game. It truly is that hard and complex, mostly because women are some of the most complex things on Earth.

The men who are good at this are amazing. They literally walk into a room, and every woman in the room looks up at them with frozen eyes. I have no idea how they do it, but I think it must be Game or some type of magic or hypnotism.