Game Of Thrones – 5 Reasons Cersei Will Win Season 6

Posted on the 15 April 2016 by Geekasms @geekasms
HomeTVGame Of Thrones – 5 Reasons Cersei Will Win Season 6

Game Of Thrones – 5 Reasons Cersei Will Win Season 6

Warning: Some Game Of Thrones spoilers follow.

It’s almost here! The sixth season of HBO’s Game Of Thrones premieres later this month, putting an end to one of the most suspenseful waiting periods in modern TV history.

The questions following the end of season five were just about endless. How much trouble is Daenerys in? (She’s surrounded by a nasty-looking horde of Dothraki.) Did Sansa and Theon survive? (They jumped off of Winterfell, and indications are that they probably did survive.) What are Arya and Bran up to? (Both young Stark children are dabbling in strange mysteries on the sidelines.) And of course, the biggest question of all: is Jon Snow alive?

These questions define the biggest points of interest as we head into season six. But realistically, we’ll probably see most of them answered in the first episode or two—and then there’s a whole season to go! So in my opinion one of the more significant factors heading into season six that isn’t getting quite as much discussion within the endless forums of Game Of Thrones debate online is what’s going to happen with Cersei Lannister.

To recap, we last left our wicked pseudo-queen after she was forced to walk through King’s Landing naked while being harassed by peasants and thoroughly shamed (as in, an exceedingly stern woman walked behind her ringing a bell and chanting “Shame” the whole time). But at the end of it all, she was back in the keep among friends. Her power is diminished, but she’s independent once more. I’d actually argue that she’s poised to do more damage than any other character in this upcoming season—*specifically for these five reasons.

1. Ser Robert Strong

For those who haven’t read the books or followed online discussions, Ser Robert Strong is essentially The Mountain reincarnate. After being more or less left for dead following his combat with Oberyn Martell, The Mountain is apparently helped into some sort of zombified state so that he might return and serve on Cersei’s Kingsguard (or rather, I suppose, Tommen’s). To recap, you can see the character’s appearance in this clip, as he scoops up a wounded and disgraced Cersei and it’s revealed that he’s vowed not to speak until he’s vanquished all her enemies. Given that The Mountain was already one of the realm’s fiercest fighters, a zombie version of him seems like about the best asset Cersei could have.

2. Her Own Cunning

No one understands the Game Of Thrones better than Cersei. So says this analysis, which looked at major Game Of Thrones characters as if they were competing in the Hunger Games, in order to determine who posed the most well-rounded threat. It sounds like a goofy idea but it resulted in a very thorough write-up of different characters’ strengths, and a nice reminder that Cersei, for all her recent failures, is as ruthlessly intelligent and strategic as they come. Let’s recall, this is the same woman who once said that when you play the Game Of Thrones, you win or you die. She hasn’t died yet.

3. The Myrcella Factor

There are some arguments that Myrcella Lannister, Cersei’s only daughter, may still be alive. However, it certainly appeared as if she’d been killed just before departing Dorne with her Uncle Jaime. If that’s the case, it means Cersei is about to reach new levels of hysterical fury. She already has reason to take up a me-against-the-world mindset, and if she finds out her daughter was murdered, her fury will know no bounds.

4. The Jaime Factor

A recently released trailer showed Jaime Lannister back in action, so to speak, making threats (seemingly on Cersei’s behalf) and leading a Lannister army. Whether or not he somehow gets his right hand back, or learns to fight just as well with his left, remains to be seen. But it looks like the man we’ve been hearing was the best knight in Westeros for five seasons is finally going to be taking a more active role in combat. If he’s anything like his reputation suggests, that makes for another extremely powerful ally for Cersei.

5. Tyrion’s Vow

One of the most powerful moments in the history of the show was this vow in which Tyrion promised to hurt Cersei when a day came and she believed she was safe and happy. It certainly didn’t look like the kind of promise that goes unfulfilled in a show. Yet right now Tyrion is a long way off, and Cersei is far from safe and happy. That would seem to suggest she can regain a place of power before some sort of ultimate downfall at Tyrion’s hands.

There’s going to be a lot going on in season six, and it’s anybody’s guess what the focal points might be. But it seems as if the stage has been set for Cersei’s resurgence to dominate the season.

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