Game Minus Looks Equals Zero

Posted on the 17 June 2015 by Calvinthedog

K. I. Asher wrote:

If he has game, his lady isn’t going to give a shit about his looks. She only will tire of him without Game. That’s the reason for her discontent. Recent study reported that woman actually prefer a man with a bit of a belly. Her reasons…Not having to worry about competition from other females or losing her man to someone hotter. Sure looks don’t hurt, but an aloof bastard is what keeps them motivated. Their little hamster cage a spinning.

Yeah, and I don’t agree with that thinking for even one second.

I know a guy who was quite good-looking, but he started to lose his hair. If you ask any woman, she will lie and say she loves bald guy or guys with shaved heads. I don’t think this is true.

This guy told me that as he slowly started to lose his hair, one thing he noticed was that good-looking women were looking at him less and less. He still attracted women and women still acted like they were interested in him because he can always get a woman pretty much for some reason, but he told me that as he became balder and balder, increasingly the only women who would come after him were slowly getting uglier and uglier, exactly in tandem with his hair loss. She said it was a linear relationship, and you could nearly plot it on a graph as the curves followed each other so well.

At the same time, he had slowly gained 45 points over 2-3 years due to being on a drug that caused weight gain. That probably had something to do with the hotties drifting away too.

Finally he got really mad, and he went out and spent good money on a nice hairpiece. He said no one can ever tell he has one, and he now has good-looking women after him again just like the old days. He also went off the drug, and all the weight he gained dropped off just like that.

Everyone says women hate guys who wear those things, and women think they are stupid, but he had a number of girlfriends since he bought the piece and he said none of them even care, and they all say he looks better with it than without it.

I haven’t known many guys who had great Game who were not good-looking. I think there were some. My opinion is that this is not going to work very well and anyway, most guys who are not good-looking never seem to get good Game for some reason.

I wonder how well it would work at any rate. I used to attract young women like crazy when I was a younger man. It happened so much that a part of me still assumes that it is going to happen again when I meet a young woman. Of course I am typically rudely awakened. Most young women (with a few exceptions) don’t want anything to do with me as far as dating goes. Worse, almost all of them will hardly even talk to me. I try to start conversations with them, and they just shut them down really fast. If I show sexual interest in them, I am basically labeled as a “creep.”

My Game is as good as ever. The only problem is that I am middle aged now, and I am just too old for a lot of younger chicks.

That comes straight down to looks, the very thing that idiot Gamers say doesn’t matter. I can’t attract them due to my looks, period.

My Game is utterly useless. I may as well look and act like a total Omega. I would do about as well.

I had a few young women girlfriends in the last several years aged 26-29, and one of them told me her friends were all making fun of her and ridiculing her for “going out with that old man.” She didn’t care because she liked much older guys, but that shows you how young women think about most older guys once there gets to be ~25-30 years age difference.

I don’t care about that study.

I have had a number of friends who gained weight and got a big belly. A number of them told me that their wives quit fucking them or reduced the sex to very infrequent. The wives also started calling them “useless fat bastard” and things like that.

I think women care about as much about looks as men do as far as sex goes. A lot of women seem to require a good-looking man in order to get horny enough to want to fuck. Sure, a homely man may marry or get a girlfriend, but she may well cut off the sex after a bit and turn into a shrew. In a lot of other cases, she will insist that she loves him deeply – on a romantic or spiritual level – but because he’s not attractive, she won’t fuck him anymore.