Galatians 3:14

By Robin Salvador @vinzsalvador23

Galatians 3:14

"He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." - Galatians 3:14

Sadly, many people just don't realize the implications of having Jesus Christ in one's heart. Having surrendered your life to the Lord is the best decision you could ever do in life. Why? It is the best solution to mankind's greatest problem, and that is sin. On top of that, you become a recipient of every spiritual blessing ever there is! The very blessing God gave Abraham is the same blessing that is endowed to you. You become a child of the true and living God. Most of all, the Holy Spirit begins to reside in your heart.

What then is the implication of the Holy Spirit living in you? Understand that the Holy Spirit is God Himself. His residence in your heart should make every difference in your life. Have you ever thought of your life to be a constant whirl of failures and disappointments?

Have you ever found yourself caught in the trap of doing the same mistakes again and again? Take heart. There's hope. Jesus said, "I have overcome the world." However, have you decided yet to receive Jesus Christ into your life? It doesn't matter what your past is, nor what your struggles and weaknesses are. The presence of the Holy Spirit radically changes you inside out. The question is, have you gotten rid of those rubbish in your heart which somehow block the working of the Spirit? Do you grumble instead of being content with Jesus? Does your pride hinder you from admitting how much you're in dire need of Him? Keep your passageway of your heart clear, so the Holy Spirit keep flourishing!

