Last Updated on 26 April, 2021
Galactic Civilizations 3 Cheats – Console Commands – Enable the console and use all the available cheats & Console commands
Galactic Civilizations 3 Cheats – Enable Console
To enable the console
- Right click on the game in your library
- Click Properties
- Click Set launch properties…
- In the input window type cheat
Or if you want a desktop shortcut:
- Right click on the game in your library
- Click Properties
- Go to Local files tab
- Click Browse local files
- Right click on the GalCiv.exe file > Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
- Right click on the newly created shortcut -> Properties
- Replace the whole Target input with, for example: “C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\Steam.exe” -applaunch 226860 -cheat
Open Console
Now that you have enabled the console, to open it launch the game and press “~” (the key to the left of “1” on your keyboard)
Galactic Civilizations 3 Cheats – Console Commands
- Get credits: modcredits [amount] – modcredits 10000
- Get population: modpop [amount] – modpop 10000
- All the Stat names: liststat
- Get Culture Points: modcult [amount] – modcult 100
- Get Stat Value: modstat [statname] [amount] – modstat 100
- Colonize planets: colonize [all], or Colonize [the selected planet]
- Create Trade Resource: createtraderesource [internal name] [tilex] [tiley]
- Complete production on items in the queue: finish
- Force Event: event [ Event name]
- Unlock Tech: unlock [Tech name]
- Unlock all Tech: fastunlock
- Destroy Object: destroy [object ID]
- Fog of War: fow
- All objetcts visible: fowtrans
- x1000 of all Resources: resources
- Kill a player: killplayer [player index]
- Set siplomacy state between two players: dipstate [state] [player index1] [player index2]
- Add Mod: addmod [module name]
- control every player’s empire: god
- Display FPS: fps
- Hide UI: hideui
- Set Government: setgov [government name]
- Control Local Player: localplayer [player index]
- Memory usage info: showmem
- Console log contents: savelog [file name]
- Thumbnails for ship components: gencompthumbs
- thumbnails for all object gfx configs: genconfigthumbs [large]
- Generates lean maps: genleanmaps
- List of all commands: help
- Clear console log: clearlog
- Lighting options: lighting
- unlimited range: range
- other player rally points: showRallyPoints
- influence lines: smoothinfluencelines
- Primes the United Planets: upprime
- United Planets meeting: upmeeting (once you close the debug console)
- Spawn Ships: spawn [ship design name] [owner player index]
- Battle Ships (Spawn): battle [ship design name] [owner player index 1] [owner player index 1]
- Spawn Faction: spawnfaction [faction name]
- assassination: assassination (between player and faction with closest relation not on same team)
- Spawn artifact: spawnartifact (awards it to the weakest player).
- random new anomaly: spawnanoamly [number of anomalies] [name of the anomaly]
- Dead planets are usable: convertdeadplanet [planet class] [number of planets]
- Dead planets to Thulium: convertdeadplanettothulium [number of planets]
- Asteroids to Durantium: convertasteroidstodurantium [number of asteroids]
- Gas Giants to Promethion: convertgasgianttopromethion [number of gas giants]
- Spawn Elerium resource: spawnelerium [number of resources]
- Relic resource (Spawn) : spawnrelic [number of resources]
- Spawn Antimatter resource: spawnantimatte [number of resources]
- Grant Tech to all: grantrandomtechtoall
- Cheat hot keys: hotkeys
- Run text file: run [text file name]
- Target info: info
- Win the game: wingame
- Lose the game: losegame
- Unlock all mercenaries: allmercs [next]
- Re purchase mercenaries: resetmercs