Gain Back Time with Grocery Delivery

By Cbdesigns @cherylboglioli

"I have no groceries in the house and too many things to do today to go grocery shopping. Yet, I need to feed my family." Do you have those days too? I'm sure you can relate. I have those days much more than I probably want to admit to you or even to myself. If only my groceries could be delivered, I'd gain back time in my day.

I am a full time artist and that means running a full time business. Many people think I just play with paint all day, especially since my studio is in my home. I wish! Nope. I do schedule time to play with paint, but I also have to write blog posts, develop classes, book my classes, order supplies, schedule social media posts, maintain my own website, maintain my own books, schedule time to learn Illustrator right now as well as improving my blogging skills, in addition to commissioned work I do for other companies and people. I'm also a daughter, a mother, sister, friend, and a wife. I have one dog, 2 cats, and hairballs that pile up in the corners. Laundry is washed, but usually dumped on a table somewhere until somebody needs underwear. And I need to stop to go get a gallon of milk and chicken for dinner?

Myself, my husband, daughter, and now foster son all work full-time. We all have outside interests/hobbies and many times through the year, my husband or I are traveling for work. It is a rare occasion for all of us to be home for dinner at the same time. I still try to have meals prepared that my family can eat when they are home even if it's after gym, after work, or right before going out for the evening (those young partiers I have). However, grocery shopping is not a chore I look forward to at all.

So when Shipt recently announced they were coming to the Treasure Coast, I was very interested. When I heard they were offering a discounted membership rate to register for one year, I was sold. The $49/year introductory price was worth it to my family. Heck, I think we'll save that in gas this next year. Plus, we'll all be less tempted to throw things in the cart by only ordering what we intend to.

The second day it was available, I decided to give it a try. Downloading the Shipt app was super easy as was logging in and completing my profile. The app is straightforward, clear to read and very visual. The search feature needs some work though. I wasn't having much luck searching for an item by name, but when you go into each category of groceries, I was able to quickly find what I was looking for. Shipt website guaranteed that groceries would all be hand picked and shopped for with the same care I would give. I did find that I need to pay more attention to the weight of meats ordered such as chicken breasts and lean pork chops. Usually I buy one for each person. The Shipt app is by pound, so there will be a little bit of guessing until I get that figured out.

With a click of a button, I was able to add groceries to my virtual shopping cart. This did take me a little time to do this initial time from scratch, so I've now decided to give the family the log-in information. They can help add groceries to our virtual cart as they see what is needed. Dear hubby can add the garbage bags and milk (because he drinks lots of milk) and my kids can log in and add sugar, toilet paper, tea bags, etc. My daughter is good about helping plan meals too as she loves to cook when she is home.

I also appreciated the fact that the store sales were listed on the app as well. Publix is great for BOGO. I even splurged and bought BOGO Breyers ice cream. LOL I got 2 chocolates and two vanillas. Thank goodness I have a deep freezer. My shopper told me that next time, I can just choose one and then specify in the notes section that I want one of each and they will do that.

Speaking of shoppers, I felt even better that shortly after I placed my order, I received a confirmation that my order was claimed with a notification of who my shopper was, including a photo. Now, I knew who to expect at my door.

After my order was placed, I was able to sit back and during the time Aubrey was shopping for me, I was able to write a blog post, upload and edit a ton of photos from Art Takes Miami posts as well as start a load of laundry, and complete my week of planning in my planner. Aubrey did have a few questions for me at the store and texted me right away to ask my preference. Example: I ordered a four pack of tuna, but the store was sold out (they were on sale), so she asked if I wanted four single cans! She texted me again when she was on her way. She brought all the groceries into the house. I even offered to help, but she declined by help. In this heat lately, I'll appreciate that service by itself!

Ok, I still had to put the groceries up, but I saved a ton of time by allowing this service help me. I'm thankful that I've been able to delegate one thing off my long TO DO list, even though I'm sure I'll still see the inside of a grocery store many times this next year. And if you are wondering, NO, this is not a sponsored post and I'm not an affiliate. I truly am grateful that this service has come to my area. My experience was so positive I thought you might want to hear how I'm gaining time to run my business and home.

Here is a quick little video to tell you even more.

Thanks Shipt! You already have a loyal fan.