G- Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
By Sahi
Soon after his accession, Ghiyasuddin Tughluq set himself to the task of restoring administrative order by removing the abuses of the preceding regime. Ghiyasuddin ordered a strict inquiry to be made into all claims and jagirs. Unlawful grants were confiscated to the state. the little unpopularity that he incurred by this measure was soon removed by his wise liberality and beneficent measures for the welfare of his subjects. He appointed upright governors in the provinces. Agriculture, the main industry of the people in this land, received special encouragement. Canals were excavated to irrigate the fields, gardens were planted and forts were built to provide shelter.
Reforms were introduced in other branches of administration, like justice and police, so that order and security prevailed in the country. The postal system of the country was reorganized to facilitate communications and the military department was made efficient and orderly.
But the days of Ghiyasuddin were numbered. On returning from Bengal expedition he died in February-March 1325, from the collapse of a wooden structure which his sonJaura had built at Afghanpur, at a distance of five or six miles from Tughluqabad, the city founded by Ghiyasuddin near Delhi.
1. Basic facts on history- Manoj publications.
2.Contemporary India- 10th CBSE book
3. Image: google