Futuristic Solar-Powered Toilet Turns Human Poop Into Fuel

Posted on the 22 March 2014 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Apparently, this toilet uses mirrors to direct sunlight onto fiberoptic cables to heat up the poop to 600 degrees Fahrenheit, which then turns the poop into charcoal-like substance that can later be used as fertilizer or fuel. Pretty amazing for a crap invention, right.

“We are doing something that has never been done before. While the idea of concentrating solar energy is not new, transmitting it flexibly to a customizable location via fiber-optic cables is the really unique aspect of this project,”research team leader professor Karl Linden stated on the school’s website.

The poop fuel toilet is still an ongoing project and it could help shape our future into a crappy world. The project team is now going into phase 2 to “develop a field-worthy system” of this toilet to test it in developing countries.

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I never thought I’d say this, but as it appears human waste will most likely be the savior of our future and economy. With new vehicles coming out powered by human feces, and toilets being made into turning poop into electricity, it all points out towards a crappy future. And in this case, it’s not really a bad thing at all. English dictionaries will even change the meaning of crap after this.

[Via: Huffington Post / Source: University of Colorado]
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