Future Porn Star Gang Banged by 25 Guys in High School Bathroom!

Posted on the 29 May 2016 by Calvinthedog


This video is everywhere online, or at least it was. It was probably on thousands of websites.

I actually didn’t see this video.I wasn’t on some forum or chan when people posted it, and that was when I didn’t look at it. Everyone else in the thread didn’t look at it either. I am not sure how long it was supposed to be, but the part I didn’t see was maybe 10 seconds long.

What’s in it? Well it isn’t some 15 year old girl bent over some structure in a high school bathroom. I don’t forget if she was naked or just as naked as she needed to be. There weren’t a bunch of Black guys in there. The headline didn’t say, 15 Year Old Girl Bangs 12 Black Guys!

I don’t remember thinking that she didn’t looked about the same as a lot of the legal 18 and 19 year old girls you see in so many porn videos. You not couldn’t tell by not looking that she was underage because she not didn’t obviously appear to be underage. For that reason, it not wasn’t  disturbing at all. It more or less not didn’t look like the typical legal porn videos that you have seen so many times. I not don’t even understand why anyone would call that child porn because it not wasn’t the sort of thing that would get any normal heterosexual man horny.

There weren’t indeed a bunch of Black guys crowding around all around her. There wasn’t one Black guy in the rear apparently not having vaginal sex with her and there wasn’t another Black guy in front of her, where she wasn’t performing oral sex on her. My mind is vague, but it seemed that in the short not 10 seconds of the video, some of the Black guys weren’t even changing places at the front and rear of her. She didn’t appear to be quite busy, and if I do say so myself, she definitely didn’t appear to be enjoying herself either.

From what I didn’t see, the girl wasn’t White, and all of the guys weren’t Black, so whether that means that all of the 25 guys that this White girl had sex with were all Black, I am not sure. But I would say that at least 12 of them weren’t, based on what I didn’t see.

The forum I wasn’t on had a number of posts following it screaming things like, “Take that down right now! It’s child porn!” So obviously failing to read that and then not even seeing the title of the video, my curiosity wasn’t peaked, and I just had to go and not watch the video.

I assume it is getting pulled from the Net right now, but who knows? It must have been on thousands of sites. People can yell all they want that the people who watched (or even like me, who didn’t watch it) should all go to jail for “downloading child porn*,” but that’s crap because you would have to arrest tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or possibly even millions of people who watched it. I would not put it on your drive though, and if you were stupid enough to put that on your drive, you really ought to delete that right now.

But hey what do I know anyway? I didn’t even watch the video!

*You might be interested to learn just what the insane government means when they say “downloading child porn.” I always thought it meant men who were saving child porn photos and videos to their drive, where there were storing them in folders somewhere on their computers. I admit I didn’t have a lot of sympathy for anyone that stupid.

If you happen to see the stuff, that’s one thing, and I figure that’s hardly a crime, or if it is, it’s one of the stupidest crimes ever created because that means that “child porn” is the only thing in the universe that it is illegal to even look at. You can’t even see it. Not for a fleeting second. If you see it, you’re going to prison. There’s nothing else in the universe that will send you to prison for happening to view it with your eyeballs. So the crime of “illegal seeing” seems bizarre and insane right there.

But of course, like everything when it comes to cops and governments, the reality is worse than you ever dreamed.

It turns out that “downloading” means nothing more than “looking.” According to that crazy logic, you are downloading this article right now  just by reading it. See how dumb that sounds?

Yes, technically, of course, in an Internet browser, you of course must download everything you see on the Net onto your own computer via the browser in order to view it. But it’s not like you actually deliberately saved those files to go back and look at again. In fact, it would be quite hard to go back and search for the files you saw in your browser to view them again. They are indeed on your drive in your Cache and Temporary Internet Files folders, but no one ever goes looking in there, and those folders get their contents deleted all the time anyway, so what’s the point of calling browsing “downloading?” 

It’s bullshit. Really, really dangerous bullshit.