My main point was that it’s not a dichotomy (or trichotomy, etc.), and that the complexity of the modern discipline means that many different approaches and philosophies must be implemented.
Following that article, Chris Sandbrook of the United Nations World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the University of Cambridge just contacted me to promote a new survey that allows a broader section of the conservation community to contribute views.
The new survey will provide data to establish whether there are any factors (such as nationality, educational background, or experience of different ecosystems) that explain some of the variation in the views held by conservationists.
Chris and colleagues aim to disseminate their findings among the conservation community through their website and publications in conservation journals.
I therefore urge you to take the survey yourself (apparently it takes only 15 minutes, but I found that it took much less time than that).
For me, the results merely confirmed my suspicions about where I fell in the spectrum between ‘New Conservation‘, ‘Market Biocentricism‘, ‘Critical Social Science‘, and ‘Traditional Conservation‘.
See? I’m more or less in the middle, with a slight leaning toward the lower-left quadrant (‘Critical Social Science’)
CJA Bradshaw