This is kinda of funny. Cos I have been gyming really hard lately (so I think at least) and I grew strong, so strong I broke my door (into 2 halves mind you)! So I was trying to "boast" about my own strength to the BF and came across this GIF image.
What's so intriguing was that it was like my exact doppelgänger! Did I model for someone and forgot about it?!? I was wearing this exact turqoise singlet and my hair was of the same uncanny length with wispy curl. P.S. I even had heart shaped shades (in yellow) though.

I promptly decided that this should have a post of its ownn. Here's a picture of me showing off my "subject"/ "modeling" talent. Quite a surreal feeling, but if any of you know the artist, please let me know and help us connect. I am curious to "find my twinning sister".
And if anyone want to draw me, please feel free to present me in my best face. LOL! But remember to credit me. And also send me your work when it is done so I can help you share it! <3