Funky Find: Axtro Fit 2

By Chaayen
Hey guys, guess what! The next generation fitness tracker that is developed in collaboration with Health Promotion Board for the upcoming National Steps Challenge Season 5 is out! If you are a Singaporean or a Permanent Resident, who is a Silver Generation (born in year 1959 earlier), rejoice!
As long as you have signed up for Season 5 and have not received any heart-monitoring fitness tracker during Season 4, you will be eligible for the special edition Axtro Fit 2. Check out the chic red straps, super auspicious! For more details on the collection and eligibility, please refer to this link.

We have tested out the Axtro Fit 2 and here are some of the reasons why we like it better than its predecessor!
  1. Colour screen: My father was immediately attracted to this new and visible feature, so he is now hoarding mine until he gets his special edition Axtro Fit 2.
  2. Magnetic Charging Cradle: Personally, I prefer this charging design. It feels more sleek and stylish. 
  3. Improved sensors: The old folks in my house don't really care about this function. But to me this matters a lot. Axtro Fit 2 can sense the heart rate as well as the steps more accurately. In addition, there is a workout mode to track exercises more easily with a real-time heart-rate view. 
  4. Extended Battery Life: It makes me feel I am saving energy and thus saving money...hehe. 

If you are not a Silver Generation, fret not. You can also get your very own Axtro Fit 2 at $19. You can either purchase it directly from AXTRO Sports through their online store or visit their brick and mortar shop at #02-22 at Peninsula Shopping Centre (beside Funan).
Compared to other fitness watches, I find the Axtro Fit 2 quite value for money. I currently own a Fitbit Ionic as well. Admittedly, I don't use all the functions of  my Fitbit Ionic but of all the functions I use, the visible lacking functions of Axtro Fit 2 are the waterproof ability, sleep sensor and trainer. For any of you who are thinking of getting a more expensive tracker, I would suggest you to try out the Axtro Fit 2 first before you make your big-ticket purchase. From experience of the people around me, not everybody enjoys being tracked daily and not everyone actually require more functions on top of the basics. Hope this review helps, as always feel free to hit me up if you would like more advise :D