Funko Announces Science Fiction Mystery Minis – Including Robocop, Mal and Jayne, The Rocketeer and More

Posted on the 27 August 2014 by Geekasms @geekasms

Funko has announced that new Science Fiction Mystery Minis will be coming out this September.  The lineup consists of a very unique mix of characters from TV and movies.  Among the figures in the set are The Predator, E.T., a Mars Attacks Martian, Spock, Robocop, Alien Queen, Metaluna Mutant, Firefly’s Mal and Jayne, The Rocketeer, Tron, Robby the Robot and more, including variants on certain characters.

Science Fiction Mystery Minis

Science Fiction fans will love our new set of Mystery Minis!
All of your favorite Sci-Fi characters have been miniaturized into tiny fantastical figures!
A few of your favorites even made it in their variant forms…
Check out that Stealth Predator!

Funko Announces Science Fiction Mystery Minis – Including Robocop, Mal and Jayne, The Rocketeer and More

Take a better look at the crew here!

Funko Announces Science Fiction Mystery Minis – Including Robocop, Mal and Jayne, The Rocketeer and More

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Funko Announces Science Fiction Mystery Minis – Including Robocop, Mal and Jayne, The Rocketeer and More

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