What a fun and exciting trip!!!When my sister and I traveled to Pittsburgh PA from Indianapolis IN for an awards banquet, it was full of traveling fun and a lot of cool exciting surprises.When we arrived in Pittsburgh we were amazed at the landscape throughout the city with all the mountainous hills and the three beautiful rivers that intersected at the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers Stadium; Heinz Field, which was previously known as Three River Stadium. The views from atop the mountainous hills were literally stunning spectacular! At night the city sparkled with a gazillion lights, making for a very beautiful site to see.Then there was the food!!!! Yep, the restaurants we visited were outstanding with excellent flavors to say the least. You wanted to stuff yourself because the food was so yummy. The Hofbräuhaus Pittsburgh was one of my favorites as it was really cool and modeled after the legendary 400+ year-old Hofbräuhaus in Munich, Germany. It also had its own beer, of course with a German taste that is brewed on site, and if you wanted a “how to brew beer 101”, they obliged with a great how to make a good tasting beer experience, which (for one); I never knew a hop was a spice: go figure.Another good place we found was Primanti Bros. which is a growing chain that started in Pittsburgh PA in 1933 in an area called the Strip District. It’s a really good place to eat with fantastic Pizza and tasty sandwiches with stacks of fries right on the sandwich; the fries are what make the sandwiches taste super good. As we continued to wander around the city, searching out new places to visit we were surprised to find the Pittsburgh Steelers training facility which was down the street from Hofbräuhaus Restaurant and there was a really amazing church located way up high overlooking the city that looked like a big castle. This church was beautiful at night time and could be seen all lit up with its golden glow from anywhere down below in the city. That was awesome to see!Then it was time for the Awards Banquet! This was an awesome banquet as it was held at the famous Pirates Major League Baseball Stadium. The view was very beautiful with the city lighting up the background with its sparkles of lights. Inside, the conference areas were very large and spacious; and very cool to hold a banquets award at.So here we go…..time for the awards ceremony with me and my sister; who so happens to both be sitting right up in the front row and wondering why there was a painter’s easel on the stage with paint sitting on the floor. We really weren’t expecting anything spectacular, but to our surprise it was super spectacular as it was announced we will be entertained by the famous Performance Speed Painter and Event Entertainer “Tim Decker”. We were both totally shocked and super excited, as we knew this guy is an amazing painter! He has been on CBS, NBC, Hallmark, The CW, FOX ABC, Hell’s Kitchen and many others shows including late night TV.As he begins his performance he starts out with a very good motivational speech on how he was in marketing at first and then over time he realized he would be happier and more content doing something he had a passion for; which it so happens to be to paint. He went on explaining how he got where he is today, which made you think about your own career, and your own life’s path; very energetic. So then he began to do his magic, paint, and when you sat and watched him, all of a sudden the canvas starts to make form and then it appears, and there it was… a Ray Charles, in like 6 minutes, no kidding! When he was done painting this amazing painting he drew a name to who would win this amazing gem.Low and behold it was ME, I was stunned. He went on to ask, if I wanted that painting or the next surprise painting? OF COURSE I love a mystery and I felt like I was on “Let’s Make A Deal” and went for the surprise painting, and as I watched him paint in amazement and in wonderment, he painted, in just a few minutes Albert Einstein, and when he was finished I had won his amazing painting of Albert Einstein that even had a tear rolling down his cheek along with intensity of the future in his eyes. It was so awesome, and all mine to take home! He also painted a Frank Sinatra and the Statue of Liberty too.After the awards were over, my sister and I had the privilege to have dinner and speak with Tim Decker and found out that the tear on Einstein’s cheek was actually a drip of paint that was an oops, but it made my painting so unique as made it look like he had a real tear. Decker told us “Now that is what makes a painting so cool and original”!!! And It DID! Wow! What an interesting person this man was, and to hear his story and also to see how many movie stars and famous people he has painted for or did events for was humbling to listen too, and an awesome experience to remember. Oh yeah, he actually let us check-out some of his famous people meets that were actually on his phone too. How cool is that!As the evening progressed, my sister and I talked about how much fun and how awesome our traveling experience was, realizing no matter where you go, for whatever the reason is, even an awards banquet, you can have a blast with great and interesting surprises to make for a lot of Traveling Fun!Plan A Trip To Pittsburgh PA
To explore attractions, events, and current packages available visit the Pittsburgh CVB website at https://www.visitpittsburgh.com/.