Fun and Educational March Break Activities

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
Last night on CHEX Daily I chatted with hosts Teresa Kaszuba and Mike Judson about fun and educational March Break activities for kids and families. While some specific suggestions are local, you don't have to live in Peterborough (or even Canada) to make use of most of the ideas. Plus, chances are, if our mall has kids' events taking place, yours does too - it's only a Google search away!

Whether you're looking for something to do with the kids (free and fee), or you're working during the break and need childcare options, there's something for you here!
I'm at the 30:20 mark, and if you can't see the embedded video you can find it here:

Video courtesy CHEX Daily
Something I didn't mention was that traveling also gives your kids a great chance not only to learn new things on the trip but to practice their skills. "Are we there yet?" can be eliminated when children use timers or clocks with the arrival time in mind, and eating out provides opportunities for older kids to estimate the total cost of the meal, or for little ones to sort coins into piles while waiting for their food!
The most important thing is for kids to slow down and enjoy their time away from school. (And maybe the teachers too?)

Links for more information:
Peterborough Public Library
Canadian Canoe Museum 
Peterborough Museum and Archives 
Art Gallery of Peterborough 
Cineplex Family Favourites 
Lansdowne Place
Home Depot