Full Patch Pumpkin Ale – Longwood Brewery

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Nanaimo's Longwood Brewery comes their "Full Patch Pumpkin Ale". The beer pours a brown colour with a tan head. The aroma consists of pumpkin, spices, toffee, anise and some sweetness. The flavour is of pumpkin, spices, toffee, anise, dark fruits, roasted malts, mild smoke, sweetness and some alcohol. The alcohol content comes in at 9% with an IBU of 30. I have been a bit burnt out with pumpkin beers over the last few years but this one is a nice take on the style and I am quite happy I gave it a try.

Commercial Description: This seasonal, Belgian Style Saison is not for the faint of heart. Born in a pumpkin patch and raised in the brewery, this 9% bad boy is not your grandma's pumpkin pie. Eight slaughtered pumpkins and a whole lotta spice were boiled in a cauldron of barley, hops and anything else we could find lying around. Fly orange with full patch.