The week began with a couple of days of light drizzle that didn't amount to much rain in the gauge but did seem to settle the dust!
Day temperatures haven't gone much above 25C. It has been a rather pleasant week weather wise although not warm enough for ripening tomatoes or encouraging growth of the watermelon plants!
Propagation: Seeds:
Beans Climbing Purple King in the Old Chook Run garden
Radish Colorati Raphanus sativus (mixed colours) from The Italian Gardener
Beetroot Chioggia Beta vulgaris from Eden Seeds
These seeds were planted in a Wicking Box on the front verandah
Turmeric Curcuma domestica syn Curcuma longa rhizomes in a pot.
Potting on/up:
Sea Kale Crambe maritima
Planting out:
Cucumber Suyo Long
Melon Early Hanover
Melon Tigger
Summer Savory
Sorrel Garden
in the Old Chook Run in-ground garden beds
Lettuce Goldrush
Leaf Amaranth
Beetroot Golden Detroit and Bulls Blood
Cabbage Tokyo Bekana
In the Greens Wicking Tank to replace bolting greens (see where here)
Lettuce Goldrush
Cabbage Tokyo Bekana
These were planted in a Wicking Box on the front verandah
Sweet Potato White
so I have carefully removed and potted up
some of the 'slips' for planting elsewhere.
seems happy to be by herself.
I let her out to forage each day
and she is well behaved
especially with the Black Ninja on patrol...(ish)
are beginning to produce tiny beans
that color up as they get bigger!
making yummy jam, drying some
and eating some (not too many at once though)