Fuel Your Brain

Posted on the 10 June 2014 by Gumptionent @gumptionent
Hey there! Tony here with Gumption Entertainment and today I thought I would offer some value by listing healthy foods to increase your brain power.  The reason why I want to talk about this is because I have been doing (or trying) an Herbal Cleanse for the last two weeks and I have noticed the way I feel after eating a healthy diet.  Now since I brought up the subject brain food I am going to list off some healthy foods for your brain.  Keep in mind these foods focus on your brain rather than your body.
I have also gained a lot of knowledge by listening to the audio book The Ultra Mind Solution by Mark Hymen where I have learned some of the following:
Take a multivitamin.  Believe it or not you are not getting enough vitamins and minerals just by eating food.
Eat food in it's most natural state (raw).
Get some blood work done and see if you have any vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Omega 3!
Brain health depends on picking the right fats in your diet, as the brain is about 60 percent fat. One vital set of fats most eaters need more of is the omega-3s, which happen to be the main kind of fat in kale. The plant-based omega-3 ALA(alpha-linolenic acid) is linked to numerous health benefits like lowering the risk of depression and diabetes. Both diabetes and obesity wreak havoc on the brain and kale is a great first step to fighting both.
o Eat your Blueberries!
Eat your Blueberries! Alternatively known as the 'brain berry', it has been found out that blueberries can reverse memory loss, according to research studies. They are also said to help in treatments of mental-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. They're readily available and can be bought in any supermarket, too.
o Don't forget to eat your tomatoes.
Tomatoes are a wonder vegetable... or fruit... what is it really? All we know is that tomatoes have lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that help shield the body against radical damage to brain cells. This often occurs in development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
o Oily fish, anyone?
The vital Omega 3 fatty acids are found in oily fish, fish oil, walnut oil and linseeds. Omega 3 fatty acids are high in DHA, responsible for the overall health of the human body's nervous system. Fish also have iodine, known to improve the brain's clarity and focus.
o Go crazy for peanuts!
Nuts are an excellent source of Vitamin E, minerals, amino acids and carbohydrates. Nuts are especially known to improve and sharpen one's memory. Vitamin E is known as a nerve protector and antioxidant. Vitamin E can also be found in green leafy vegetables, seeds, whole grains and eggs.
o Binge on broccoli.
Although not the most tastefully popular among its vegetable counterparts, broccoli is known to enhance brain power and improve cognitive function. Broccoli is high on Vitamin K. It has been found that broccoli helps a lot in restoring and improving cognitive activity especially after instances of brain injury.
To start my morning out right I drink Hulk Drinks!12oz water2 scoops of protein
1 tablespoon fiber
1 banana
1/2 avocadohandful of spinachhandful of kaledash of cayenne pepper
dash of turmeric
You can throw in whatever you want.  Mix and match and make it good.  Trust me it tastes better than it sounds.
It may seem expensive to buy whole foods but just think of it as an investment in your body.  I look back at how much I used to spend on alcohol so I don't mind dropping $4 on a Kombucha (probiotics) or even $8 on a green vegetable juice drink.  I look at it as making an investment in your body.
Try to eat 6 small meals a day.  I know it's hard but one thing that helps me if having a light snack around 10am so I am not so hungry around lunch time.
Drink a gallon of water a day.  Our body is composed of an average of 60% water.  Plus water flushes out all the toxins in your system.
A bonus I would like to throw in here is Lumosity.Lumosity is a website where you can build your personal brain training program to improve your memory, problem solving, and flexibility.  They have over 40 scientific games to improve your cognitive skills.  I go to Lumosity every day during my work break to improve my brain rather than surfing Facebook aka Failbook.
Well it seems WholeFoods is kicking me out because it's getting late.  I do appreciate their free wifi and clean environment.  I hope all this information helps and you apply it.