Fuck You Irene [playlist]

Posted on the 28 August 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Hurricane Irene has made her way up the East Coast, and is hitting the fine city of New York.  In my frustration and free time simply sitting around, I have made you a very special playlist of new music that you can stream/download so that even when your power goes out, you can continue your listening.

Enjoy the music and get your Jenga, Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, Risk and/or Sorry! on.  Enjoy the music and please stay safe.

Jesse WoodsBandCamp
Grand HallwayBandCamp
Nik FreitasiTunes
Scarlet TanagerBandCamp
Via AudioiTunes
The Barr BrothersiTunes
The JezabelsiTunes
Wizards of TimeInfo
Pepper RabbitiTunes
TV GirlBandCamp
Bon IveriTunes
Sea of BeesiTunes
The WhisperlightsBandCamp
You Won’tBandCamp