Fruit Yes Fruit Juice No

Posted on the 14 March 2016 by Dave Nevue

Monday again and the weekend has just passed. Some people sure drink juice at their weekend breakfast and fresh juices straight from your own juice maker have been popular for a long time now. And it feels so healthy drinking that freshly made juice, right! Guess what, it's not! Fruit is healthy, that's true, it contains a lot of vitamins which is good for you and your immune system. It also contains fibers, which is also very good for you, especially for the digestion, and this you probably already knew. But did you also know that fiber slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream? Can you guess what happens if you put the fruit into a juice maker and drink the juice instead of eating the fruit as it is? You guessed right, the fibers are lost! You can read more about why fibers are so important in this article.

So you will not get the fibers that are so good for you, what will you get instead?

SUGAR. Fruit contains a lot of sugar! But if you eat the whole fruit you will get the fibers as well and your body can handle the sugar that comes with it - as long as you don't eat a bunch of fruits each day, two should be enough for an adult! It's also very easy to exceed your recommended daily calorie intake - drinking a glass of sweet juice takes only a few seconds and it will not make you feel full so it's easy to drink a lot of it - adding a lot of calories to your intake and way too much sugar.

Lessen of the day: Have a fruit or two each day but try to stay away from the fruit juice - maybe it's just something to be enjoyed once a week or so.

//Nicole Hellgren