Frozen Blueberry Skull Dog Treats

By Kristy @mileydailyscoop
I love making homemade treats for my Goldens.
Especially when they are healthy, easy, fast and use just a few ingredients.
Last Halloween season I made these which were a big hit...

Frosty Pumpkin Dog Treats

This year I came across some skulls and I knew exactly what I was going to make!

Frozen Blueberry Skull Treats

All I did was add some plain greek yogurt and blueberries to my smoothie blender...
And blend away until smooth...
Next, just fill the skulls...
If you find it to be a bit too thick, just add a little water... Freeze for about 30 minutes or until solid. In the meantime, call the pups in for some clean-up...
They almost look too scary to eat, right? Not a chance!
There are endless flavor possibilities when it comes to frozen treats! 
Besides blueberry, pumpkin, apple and banana are a few favs! Do you make frozen treats for your dog? What is their favorite flavor combo?
We are joining the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop hosted by Sugar and Kol. Head on over browse through all the yummy treats and link up one of your own!